As you prepare for birth and motherhood, we think it’s important you have the information you need, and we believe in the transparent sharing of information and decision making. You can find everything you need to know right here. From statistics, safety, and preparation to natural pain management, postpartum care, and infant vaccinations, you can start your journey of discovery here.
Articles & Blogs
There is value in knowing other perspectives. You can find articles from various professionals across the nation, sharing their insights into preparation, labor, birth, postpartum care, and newborn care.

Sometimes a visual demonstration is the best way to learn. You can hear straight from our midwives and doctors, as well as professionals outside of our practice on topics like water births, pain management, and safety of birth center birth.
Holy Family Birth Center Overview Video
Facility Tour
FAQ: Safety
FAQ: Finances
FAQ: Pain Management
Events & Classes
Education is an important part of achieving the out-of-hospital birth experience you want. The following is a description of each of the classes and seminars we offer. Payment, when required, is made directly to Birth Matters. All classes and seminars are held in the lower level classroom at Holy Family Birth Center, 9835 Auburn Road. For more information visit or
All Things Birth Center Seminar.
This is a free monthly seminar offered on the fourth Monday of each month from 6-7:30 PM. It is required as the first step for families wishing to use the birth center. We discuss in detail our unique model of care, safety data related to birth center birth, hospital transfers, Indiana regulations related to birth center eligibility, pain management options available at the birth center, and something that no other health care facility in America offers: clear and transparent information about the cost of birth center birth.
Audience: anyone interested in birth center birth
Call us at 260-222-7406 to RSVP!
Birth Matters Birth Center Prep Class.
This is required for all patients who desire to have their baby at the birth center, regardless of their childbirth history. It covers common emergencies and a wealth of other important information about birth center birth. The fee for this class is $50
Audience: Required for some birth center families.
Note: if the Birth Matters childbirth education, breastfeeding, and newborn care are taken as a bundle, the cost is $300
Birth Matters Childbirth Education Class.
This is a two-part, world-class childbirth education course. There is simply nothing else like it in the region. You will finish feeling like you have a Ph.D. in birth. Dr. Stroud likes to say that he can look at a husband’s face in labor and know if the couple has attended the Birth Matters class. This class is required for birth center patients if it is their first pregnancy, or if they have not had a natural birth in the past (“natural” means without an epidural). The fee for this two-part class is $250.
Audience: Anyone who wants to be prepared for labor and birth.
*Required for some birth center families.
Birth Matters Breast Feeding Class.
In keeping with the outstanding content provided by Birth Matters, this is by far the best breastfeeding instruction you can obtain, period. There is nothing else in our region that even compares to this class when it comes to helping you successfully breastfeed your baby. For more information visit The cost is $60.
Audience: Anyone interested in breastfeeding.
*Required for some birth center families.
Birth Matters Newborn Care Class.
If there has ever been a class that is undervalued, it is Newborn Care! Most families are extremely busy during their third trimester – finishing preparations, acquiring needed items, taking lots of education classes – and they choose to opt-out of this class to save time and lessen stress. Once the baby is born, however, parents are in complete charge of caring for their new little one in every way. That is when they need knowledge and skills to truly lessen the stress of becoming full-time parents! Taking Newborn Care at Birth Matters provides instruction and practice of all of the essentials to help build parental confidence as you prepare to meet and care for your baby. The fee for this class is $60.
Audience: Anyone interested in learning more about parenting newborns.
*Required for some birth center families.
We’re Your Resource
We also want to help you process everything you’re reading, so feel free to ask us next time you’re in our office. Everything we provide for you is information we find beneficial, and we’re always willing to answer any questions you may have. You are in charge of your pregnancy journey. We are along for the ride and to help in any way you need.